With 3% multi-factor productivity gain potential as estimated by PwC, a drone programme such as MESAdvance™ pays for itself and more.
"Using drones to automate routine tasks will also enhance safety performance, reduce risk, improve quality and free people up to focus on more interesting and value-adding work."
"Virtually eliminating disagreements about project status and providing valuable evidence in case of litigation."

without limits
What is it
MESAdvance™ is our complete solution that includes data collection, processing and access to an interactive web platform that holds a full as-built record of your site in the form of a digital twin.
The digital twin presented as a 2D map and 3D model demonstrates progress visibly and comparison against historical datasets.
The interactive platform allows clients to gain advanced insights into their project though tracking and measurement functionality.
How we do it
We acquire all your data onsite through a combination of drones, 360° cameras and GNSS RTK survey control points to ensure accuracy. Ideal for multi acre sites and complex cable corridors.
For projects that include buildings and internal areas our 360° cameras are used for walk though mapping ensuring total as-built recording.
The data is processed offsite and available within the web platform the next day for clients to view and explore.
We are site ready with site 4x4 vehicle and pilots HV Rules, CSCS and BORDA trained.
Construction Management
For boots on ground, utilise to enhance site inductions with a real time 3D walkthough of work zones.
Optimise setting to work with visual awareness of safety hazards, environmental exclusion zones and planned SIMOPS. Reduce reporting to give site managers more time on the park.
The 2D map and 3D model compliment site co-ordination meetings, allow sizing and testing of work areas and QC checking with drawing overlays.
Why us
We are construction management consultants - not a drone media business. We use drones as one of our key tools for data acquisition.
Integrated with our experience in construction management and on-site experience we understand the key areas our solution can drive value in your project processes.
Closing the gap on unreliable contractor reporting and poor site records in the event of a claim.
Project Management
Supporting Project Managers and PMO functions to remotely understand site progress, re-measure and verify invoice applications through the interactive platform, defend claims with a comprehensive as-built record of site from topsoil strip to operations handover.
For earthworks cut/fill monitor elevation changes week on week to ensure metrics support the project programme to protect the installation critical path.
Utilise the digital twin to save costs though reduced site visits and part of active COVID management.
Investor Assurance
For investors, project partners and major stakeholders MESAdvance™ helps keep an eye on projects to provide independent validation of progress to protect investment and highlight intervention issues.
Value Adding
Increase productivity and save costs by bringing the project to many, rather than many to the project.
Integrate site captured models into BIM and compare against the baseline 4D design model for clash and progress management.

With design drawings overlayed over real site conditions - everyone can understand progress quickly.
The problem with site data is it's not typically in an easily comparable format - ours is.

Update plan progress or validate invoice applications with ease remotely and safely.
"Closing the gap on unreliable contractor reporting and poor site records in the event of a claim."
"has completed a large number of commercial UAV operations for us always safely and diligently - with the outputs adding significant value to live construction projects and the wider business."
Technology Manager